Bethel Students Camperships

Now Collecting Donations for Scholarships
Note: Choose “Camperships” from the drop down menu.
Help us send a student, ages 6th – 12th grade, to the upcoming Bethel Students Summer Camp!
Our students will be having Summer Camp at a cabin in Northern Kentucky this July, and they could use your help to make it happen!  Some of our students aren’t able to pay the full cost of camp—that’s where you come in! 
Would you consider giving a 25% ($100), 50% ($200) or 100% ($400) “campership” scholarship to help a student make it to camp this year? Donations can be given online (click the button above), placed in the offering plate or dropped off at the office. Cash and checks are accepted – please mark all donations “Camperships” to ensure it will be applied correctly.
We appreciate your generosity!