Three Ways to Worship with Us on Sundays
What to Expect
We love people here at Bethel, and we make it our to purpose to make sure you feel welcomed here in our community. Please come dressed as you are. Our Traditional crowd tend to dress a little more formally, but you can expect to see a mix of jeans all the way up to business casual at all of our services. Our worship services are about 1 hour in length, and you can expect a time of music, connection, and a message. You can find out about our current Sermon series here.
You are invited to park anywhere in our parking lot, and to enter through the Main doors. Our sanctuary is located off to the right when you first enter the building. If this is your first time at Bethel, please head over to our Welcome Table to receive a welcome gift from us, as well as to learn more about our ministries and our church.
Opportunities for the Whole Family
Your whole family is welcome to join us for Worship, but we do have other opportunities for study and care for ages 0 – 99+.

We provide Childcare and Sunday Experiences for ages 0-5th grade at both of our services in our Kidspace area.
In addition, there is a Family Worship Area located at the front, right of the sanctuary and a Family Care Room for nursing mothers and families with children under age 2 to use during the services.

Students, ages 6th – 12th grade, are invited to attend worship with their families at either service.
There is a Sunday evening Youth Group program that meets twice a month. Join us from 6:00 – 8:00 pm (dinner is provided) at Bethel.

We offer Adult Sunday School Classes at both our 9:30 am & 11:00 am services. Each of these classes have a unique feel.
Classes meet back in Rm 5/6. Please visit our Welcome Table in the Lobby for assistance finding the room.
Questions or Concerns?
We would love to hear from you!